In our team blog this month, our Communications Coordinator Wendy, shares how volunteering within the community helps inform her role at the Gloucestershire VCS Alliance.
Wendy also shares her three motivations for volunteering and the positive impact volunteering has on her wellbeing.
The Charity Commission is launching a consultation into the Charities SORP in 2025.
Here's a roundup of some of the expected changes, and the significant impact they may have on VCSE groups & organisations in Gloucestershire.
This weeks round up of job and trustee vacancies within the VCSE sector in Gloucestershire.
Week beginning 2 December 2024.
On Tuesday 29 November our CEO, Matt Lennard, joined partners from Gloucestershire County Council, the NHS, the police and the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
Each partner signed a charter committing to work together to make Gloucestershire ‘a great place to grow up where children and young people thrive and live lives of choice and opportunity’.
Gloucestershire County Council has commenced activities to recommission the Gloucestershire Unpaid Carers Support Services (Adult and Children), to support unpaid carers who are Adults (18 years+) and Young carers (8 – 24 years) across Gloucestershire.
The contract term is 1 April 2026 – 31 March 2031 with the option to extend the term for a period of not more than two years at the end of the initial contract period.
We're absolutely delighted to announce that Gloucestershire's Volunteer Awards is returning for 2025!
Please save Thursday 5 June 2025 in your diary as we can't wait to celebrate with you again!
This weeks round up of job and trustee vacancies within the VCSE sector in Gloucestershire.
Week beginning 25 November 2024.