South West HM Prison and Probation service are inviting groups/organisations to apply for small pots of money to support people on the Integrated Offender Management Scheme and People on Probation at points where they would benefit from a rapid response from community-based organisations.

We're delighted to announce that Matt Fellows from Age UK Gloucestershire has been appointed as the new VCSE Representative on the Tewkesbury ILP. Find out more about Matt below: 

Every November Carers UK raise awareness of Unpaid Carers on Carers Rights Day.  This year, Carer's Rights Day is on 23 November.

Gloucestershire Carer's Hub (GCH) is keen to involve both professionals and Carers in their planning of a series of events they will be organising for Carer's Rights Day 2023. This is to ensure they are raising the profile of Unpaid Carers in Gloucestershire, and that Carers have the opportunity to increase their knowledge of their rights both locally and nationally.

Second Step would like to coordinate a consortium bid to deliver the upcoming Community Advice, Links, and Mental Health Service (CALMHS). Rethink Mental Illness are considering submitting a partnership bid for the upcoming CALMHS tender in Gloucestershire and are hosting a discussion.

Both organisations are organising events this October to discuss the following:

Gloucestershire Health and Care (GHC) NHS Foundation Trust are holding a workshop for all stakeholders to discuss what the challenges are to providing the best service to people with eating disorders.

The big question is whether what the Trust is doing already feels right, whether there are important issues they have missed, and whether they are doing the right things to address the problems.

Gloucestershire County Council is recommissioning Youth Support Services in the county for delivery from 1 July 2024.

A competitive tender process will be carried out to seek suppliers that are able to deliver the following integrated statutory and partnership services:

We're pleased to announce the launch of our Small Grants for Workplace Wellbeing fund.

This grant programme has been designed to enable VCSE sector groups & organisations to implement ideas that support employee and/or volunteer wellbeing.