Are you grappling with tricky, deep-seated issues that don’t have obvious solutions? Do you want to work collaboratively to get things done but often feel as if you don’t have a ‘seat at the table’ or equal billing? Our team is delighted to announch the launch of our 'How To lead When You're Not In Charge' Conference this Autumn. 

Sometimes it can feel like a struggle just to be heard and like you’re trying to navigate your group or organisation through difficult issues and messy environments.

Join us for practical support and to discover tools and techniques to help when working in these circumstances. You’ll also find out how to apply new approaches to real-time issues and plan for the future.

Event Information

  • Date: 16 November 2023
  • Time: 9 am - 2:45 pm
  • Venue: Llanthony Secunda Priory, Priory Junction, Gloucester GL2 5FA
  • Facilitator: Debbie Sorkin
  • Bookings deadline: 6 November 2023
  • To bookBook Now

Event Aims

Our conference aims to:

  • Enable participants to make sense of what they’ve been experiencing
  • Provide practical approaches, tools and techniques for working in these environments that they can use straight away
  • Provide a space for people to apply the approaches to real-time issues and plan for the future

To do this, we’ll be using what’s called Systems Leadership.  

What is Systems Leadership?

Systems Leadership is designed to help people lead when they’re not in charge, or when they don’t have positional power, levers to pull, or a large budget to wield. It can help in getting messages across and in influencing other people, especially in hierarchies, political environments or where power dynamics are in play; where people are trying to bring traditional silos together; or when they’re working across sectors or professional disciplines.  

Structure of the day

In the morning, we’ll cover what Systems Leadership is and how it works; what you can do; what to watch out for; and tools and techniques that we know work in these situations, so that you can tip the scales in their favour, find allies and get some room for manoeuvre. In turn, this will help you do real work on the things that matter to you, and make real progress towards change.

In the afternoon, we’ll look at how you sustain change, both for yourself and others, using ideas around resilience and leading people through uncertainty.

This will be a practical and interactive session, with plenty of time for questions, discussion and applying learning, and we hope it will be genuinely helpful.

About Debbie Sorkin

Debbie Sorkin Aug 23

Debbie Sorkin is National Director of Systems Leadership at the Leadership Centre, and she has led the Centre’s work in relation to systems leadership for the past nine years. This has included managing a national systems leadership programme that brought together the NHS, local government, public health, social care and other sectors. The programme comprised national and international research; pan-sector leadership development including the programmes Leadership for Change and Skills for Systems Leadership; and on-the-ground support in over 50 places around the country.

Debbie currently leads the Centre’s systems leadership support in relation to public services. This includes working extensively with the NHS in England, especially in relation to Integrated Care Systems and Primary Care Networks; with local government; with national bodies and charities including Sport England, Active Partnerships, Shelter and Homeless Link; and with umbrella bodies for the voluntary and community sector. Most recently, this has included a series of online sessions on systems leadership, resilience and leading through uncertainty for the VCSE, at the request of the Voluntary Partnerships Team at NHS England. Her work commonly involves supporting individuals and groups at different levels who are looking to address complex, deep-seated problems.

Debbie also writes regularly systems leadership. Her most recent academic publication is a chapter on leadership innovation in 'Leading and Managing in Contemporary Health and Social Care' (Elsevier, March 2022). Other publications include the reports 'The Revolution will be Improvised II' and (co-authored with Tim Whitworth) 'The Revolution will be Customised'.

Get in touch

If you have any queries about this event, please Contact Us and a member of our team will get back to you.