Could YOU help shape the health and wellbeing services in Gloucestershire?

Integrated Locality Partnerships (ILP’s) are where senior leaders in health, social care and the voluntary and community sector come together to plan how services can better meet the health and wellbeing needs of local people. We are currently looking for VCSE representatives for ILP’s in the following areas:

Stroud and Berkeley Vale


Representatives are a voice for the voluntary and community sector in their area. They are responsible for gathering a range of views from members of the VCSE sector and contributing on their behalf to strategic plans and service design. They are also key to raising the profile of the VCSE within the public sector at a local level.

More information

A VCSE representative role description is available   document HERE

If you’d like to discuss what the role entails, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to arrange a call.

In most cases, a payment will be made for fulfilling this role. For more information about this, please speak to Jill.


You are invited to complete your nomination form HERE 

Closing date for nominations is 5.00pm on Friday 27 January 2023.